
China Airlines要改漆成Mandarin Airlines了,手邊恰有這麼一本書是當年當兵時買的, 是兩個日本人於光緒七年編寫的”官話指南”, 華航或許可以參考一下, 列入空服員的訓練教材


隨 著陳總統任期日漸走向尾聲,扁政府的各項政治清理動作也越來越大。 繼「終 統」事件之後,又陸續傳出政府下令拆除營區內所有兩蔣銅像,要求軍歌改用台語演唱,包括陳水扁出訪的華航專機也要改徽換名,機身的China Airlines要改漆成Mandarin Airlines。看來,陳水扁的「政治整形」運動已欲罷不能,但換了這些表皮的東西又能如何?

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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 註釋


1 a : a public official in the Chinese Empire of any of nine superior grades b (1) : a pedantic official (2) : BUREAUCRAT c : a person of position and influence often in intellectual or literary circles; especially : an elder and often traditionalist or reactionary member of such a circle
2 capitalized a : a form of spoken Chinese used by the court and the official classes of the Empire b : the group of closely related Chinese dialects that are spoken in about four fifths of the country and have a standard variety centering about Beijing